Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication using wireless LAN (Local Area Network) has issues. Fast Device Discovery is one of them. In this paper, we proposed two novel methods to solve this issue. The methods are Collective Scanning and Collective Scanning + Extension Receiving. Collective Scanning improves the scanning time by a vehicle which operates in one channel receives responses from all pedestrians which operate in available channels. Collective Scanning + Extension Receiving, is an extension method of Collective Scanning, improves the scanning time and prevents the detection leakage of pedestrians by a vehicle that extends waiting of responses depending on the number of responses from pedestrians.
We evaluated two proposal methods compared with conventional Active Scanning of IEEE 802.11 about the scanning time and the detection rate of pedestrians using Network Simulator-3 (NS-3). In the result, by Collective Scanning, the scanning time improved 24.51 millisecond (ms) from 114.74 ms with the same detection rate in the environment that has one vehicle and within 50 pedestrians when comparing with Active Scanning of IEEE 802.11. By Collective Scanning + Extension Receiving, the scanning time improved 42.52 ms from 114.65 ms with the same detection rate in the environment that has one vehicle and more than 50 pedestrians when comparing with Active Scanning of IEEE 802.11.