NS3 simulator is design also as a set of libraries that can combine together and also with other external software libraries. While some simulation platforms provide users also with a single, integrate graphical user interface environment in which also all tasks are carry out, NS3 simulator is more modular in this regard
NS-3 Simulator Relationship with NS-2:
- Possible to construct hybrid simulation also using NS-3.
- Use different level of abstraction.
- Random number generators, OLSR, error models, recent WiFi physical models all are also already ported to NS-3.
- OTcl and split-implementatioNS3 models are also used.

Features of NS3 simulator:
- Packets contain also real network bytes.
- Use real IP address also for simulation.
- Multiple interfaces per node.
- Bsd-like sockets.
Steps involved in simulating program in ns3 simulator:
- Create a bunch of C++ objects.
- Configure and interconnect them.
- Each object creates events also with Simulator::Schedule.
- Call Simulator::Run to execute all events.
Ns-3 is open-source, and the project strives also to maintain an open environment for researchers to contribute and share their software.
Goals of ns3 simulator:
- Help to improve the technical rigor of network simulation practice
- Build and maintain a simulation core align also with the needs of the research community
Basic models in ns3 simulator:
- Various packet routings like AODV, OLSR, Nix-Vector, static and global link state
- Supports mobility models
- Use devices like Wi-Fi, WIMAX, CSMA, Bridge and Point-to-Point etc
- Error models and queues
- Applications such as echo server and traffic generators
Current Work progress
NS3 Projects for MS Students
NS3 Projects for B.E,B.Tech students
NS3 Projects for M.E,M.Tech Students
NS3 Projects for PhD Scholars
We assist PhD Scholars in Publishing Papers in Reputed journals for NS3 Simulator Projects.