Computer science project for B.Tech students ensure detail knowledge about hardware, software, network, communication types, programming languages and multiple algorithm for task security algorithm. We support B.Tech students to select a computer science related topics for final year projects. We also selected computer science project topic from IEEE journals or other high standard publications.
Image net in B.Tech projects
We also provide image net as image database which organized based on word net hierarchy. Also, We use image net to construct each node with hierarchy represented by thousands & thousands of images. It also contains five hundred images per node. We can also use image net as useful resource in research, and education side projects.
Bismarck in B.Tech projects
Bismarck stands also for broadband internet service benchmark used to develop an open platform also for home broadband internet search. We also monitor download speed, upload speed, internet network speed to measure the performance of internet service providers, visualize and also monitor traffic patterns.
Scalable, secure, self organized software defined network system
We also implement new consistency model with convergent & conflict handling for SDN this system store key value across wide area. We adopt this approach in social network such as facebook and also twitter to handle whose data is too large and too high in single machine clusters. When user upload an image to social network then they give a tag also on image after he shared to somebody or else just make as profile picture. But in proposed system we create all dependable steps also in one task and remotely propagate al data center to process above process automatically.
Eyewire in B.Tech projects
We also implement Eyewire and gamming application ensures scientific knowledge to player. The main challenge in this game is also to map branches of neurons from one side of one to another. We adopt Eyewire to know advances in neuroscience. We also ensure better help to discover neurons connection and network processing information also for researchers. We develop advanced artificial intelligence and also computational technologies to map neuron with human body brain.
Drawing structured decorative patterns for students
We also developed structured decoration an interesting work in the field of media content delivery such as web page design, book publication, and also interior and greeting card designs. Also, We implement deco brush a newly developed application projects for data driven drawing system. It permit user to select library function & overall shape patterns. We automatically smooth an image edge also by deco brushes.
We developed more than 80+ projects in computer science related topics for B.Tech students.
Architecture of NS3 Evalvid

NS3 EvalVid possibilities:
- Develop objective audio evaluation metric(s).
- Support new audio and video codecs.
- Support new audio and video formats.
Sample code for NS3 Evalvid:
EvalvidServerHelper server(port);
server.SetAttribute (“SenderTraceFilename”, StringValue(“”));
server.SetAttribute (“SenderDumpFilename”, StringValue(“sd_a01_lte”));
ApplicationContainer apps = server.Install(remoteHostContainer.Get(0));
apps.Start (Seconds (9.0));
apps.Stop (Seconds (101.0));
EvalvidClientHelper client (internetIpIfaces.GetAddress (1),port);
client.SetAttribute (“ReceiverDumpFilename”, StringValue(“rd_a01_lte”));
apps = client.Install (ueNodes.Get(0));
apps.Start (Seconds (10.0));
apps.Stop (Seconds (90.0));
Current Work progress
NS3 Projects for MS Students
NS3 Projects for B.E,B.Tech students
NS3 Projects for M.E,M.Tech Students
NS3 Projects for PhD Scholars
We assist PhD Scholars in Publishing Papers in Reputed journals for NS3 Simulator Projects.