M.TECH NETWORK NS3 PROJECTS –LEACH NS3 PROJECTS – Network is a group of network element connect together to ensure communication over entire region of world. We also offer M.TECH-network final year project NS3 which cover network based simulation paper for graduate students. Also, We develop various network concepts with NS3 simulation environment. We defined various cluster based approaches in NS3. So, We developed cluster based protocol such as PEGASIS, TEEN & LEACH protocol by NS3 simulation. Also, We developed projects based on student’s interest and needs & we ensured visualized output for all network concepts by NS3 simulation.
We developed latest technologies with large production of sensor nodes which is relatively small in size & provide advanced sensing capacity. Also, We provide wireless sensor network composed of distributed number of sensor nodes & connected by wireless medium. We ensure wireless communication with sensor node to sense environment & provide transmission of sensed data by their communication components. So, We send data to base station or sink node by wireless channel. Base stations gather transmitted data which act as access point for human machine interaction with network. We also perform concurrent data acquisition of various points of interest.
Energy based protocols in WSN:
We also provide & implemented various energy based protocol in WSN from IEEE papers. They are:
We also propose low energy adaptive clustering hierarchical (LEACH) and hierarchy based protocol in which every node transmits data to its cluster head. We use LEACH protocol also in WSN to reduce energy consumption in WSN. We provide single hop routing in LEACH to create direct data transmission to cluster head. We also perform LEACH by two processes are:
- Setup phase.
- Steady state phase.
In setup phase, we also form cluster and cluster head selection process is performed. We also select cluster head by round stochastic algorithm. When a node is selected as cluster head then it cannot be a cluster head again. Also, We implement steady state phase data transmission in which data sent to base station.
PEGASIS protocol:
We also implement power efficient gathering in sensor information system energy based clustering & routing protocol. In PEGASIS, every node communicates only to neighbor node to exchange data. It also takes number of turns to transfer information to base station and in turn reduce the amount of energy per round. We also organize nodes as chain process to ensure broadcast to all sensor nodes.
TEEN protocol:
We also propose threshold sensitive energy efficient a hierarchical protocol used to identify modification in sensed environment. Nodes which are closed to upper level clusters are used to transmit data from other nodes of perform process by next level cluster until it reaches sink nodes. Important a benefit in TEEN is sudden modification will occur in environment. By TEEN, we can consume considerable amount of energy in long distance communication. We developed more than 75+ projects with TEEN to ensure wireless communication.
Current Work progress
NS3 Projects for MS Students
NS3 Projects for B.E,B.Tech students
NS3 Projects for M.E,M.Tech Students
NS3 Projects for PhD Scholars
We assist PhD Scholars in Publishing Papers in Reputed journals for NS3 Simulator Projects.