B.TECH FINAL YEAR PROJECTS IN NS3 is an important discrete even simulator for network. We ensure NS3 simulation an open source tool develop & test application in network field for students. We offer B.TECH final year projects in NS3 provide ideas to do projects in networking with simulation tool, we support B.TECH students in the background of CSE, ECE, & IT can committee their project in network simulation. We developed more advanced technology based concepts & research to implement various projects in NS3. We focused towards the development of IEEE based network projects in NS3 environment. We evaluate hybrid wireless network & QOS based algorithm by NS3 simulation.
Wireless network NS3 PROJECTS:
In wireless communication we provide real time transmission with quality of service requirements has been developed by hybrid network application. Wireless Adhoc network combine mobile wireless Adhoc network and wireless infrastructure network. We provide resource reservation based QOS approach to eradicate invalid reservation and race condition problems. We developed more than 75 projects in hybrid wireless network.
Distributed packet scheduling algorithm:
After qualified neighbor identification, we use this algorithm to schedule packet routing. We assign earlier generated packets to forward with higher queuing delays and assign recently generated packet to lower queuing to delay their process which reduce total transmission delay. To reduce stream transmission time, we use distributed packet scheduling algorithm.
QOS guaranteed neighbor selection algorithm:
We use this algorithm to select qualified neighbors to ensure data transmission and employ deadline driven scheduling algorithm for guaranteed QOS routing. We implement earliest deadline first scheduling algorithm (EDF) to schedule events in MANET. We provide EDF as deadline driven scheduling algorithm for data traffic scheduling in intermediate nodes. It functioned based on intermediate node which assign highest priority to packet with closest deadline & forward packet with highest priority first.
Mobility based packet resizing algorithm:
In dynamic mobile wireless network, we ensure transmission link among node which frequently broken. By mobility factor it degrades QOS performance. By reducing packet size, we enhance feasibility of intermediate modes. We process mobility based packet resizing algorithm by larger size packet assigned to lower mobility intermediate nodes & smaller size are assigned to higher mobility intermediate nodes which enhance QOS guaranteed packet transmission.
Soft deadline based forwarding scheduling:
In this algorithm, intermediate node first forward packet with least time allowed to wait before forwarding. This process helps to attain fairness in packet forwarding methodology. We use soft deadline for proper scheduling packet transmission we eradicate delay in data transmission. We use various deadline schemes to create packet scheduling in networks.
Data redundancy elimination based transmission:
By broadcasting function in wireless network, the data can be repeated. We use this algorithm to defeat redundant data by elimination process. Elimination processes enhance QOS in packet transmission.
Current Work progress
NS3 Projects for MS Students
NS3 Projects for B.E,B.Tech students
NS3 Projects for M.E,M.Tech Students
NS3 Projects for PhD Scholars
We assist PhD Scholars in Publishing Papers in Reputed journals for NS3 Simulator Projects.
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IEEE-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/TAYLOR-AND-FRANCIS-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MC-GRAW-HILL-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SPRINGER-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SCIVERSE-NS3-PROJECTS-.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SCIENCE-DIRECT-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SCOPUS-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/J-GATE-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PUB-MED-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/WILEY-BLACKWELL-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ELSEVIER-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)
![NS3 SIMULATOR](https://ns3simulator.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ACM-NS3-PROJECTS.jpg)