Software Defined Networking Projects is majorly concentrate by students of Electronics and Communication, Electrical and electronics branch students. The decoupled control plane and data plane in Software Defined Network architecture is significant for achieving best result when applied on different applications.
This emerging Software Defined Network Architecture is study via many authors and following concepts are perform,
- Congestion control
- Load balancing
- Security
- Multipath flow routing
- Attack identification’
- Dynamic resource provisioning
- Handover management
- Traffic policies
- Fault tolerance
- Video conferencing
- Path allocation
- Resource management
- Switch migration
- Video multicasting
All the above mentioned concepts have create more interest among students and research scholars. The problems and challenging issues in traditional network are scalability, consistency, reliability, etc., are mitigated on using Software Defined Networking. Those problems were resolved due to the centralized / distributed design of Software Defined Network controllers. Research guidance is provided in this area by our knowledgeable research team with guaranteed research confidentiality. Problematic study is more interesting, to create novel solutions for challenging issues. Don’t let your dream to be a dream, join us to make your research dreams come true with novelty.
Hereby we have pointed out some latest significant areas in Software Defined Networking Projects,
- On the use of SDN based on BLESS design function of Bluetooth low also energy service switching system
- An effectual utility of StorageFlow also based SDN-enabled efficient data regeneration used for distributed storage systems [Software-Defined Networking-Projects]
- An inventive mechanism for SDN-based handover management also in enterprise networked femtocells with X2-forwarding scheme
- A competent function of Creating complex test bed networks also to explore SDN-based on all-campus science DMZs method
- An effectual practice of Bandwidth-Aware Scheduling also by SDN in Hadoop system
- An inventive process of all-inclusive review on T-SDN based Software-Defined Networking meant for Transport Networks
- An imaginative purpose of presentation modeling of SDN also by NFV under or aside the Controller method
- A new process of exhibition function also in SDN-controlled elastic light-tree provisioning based on cascaded spectrum multicast
- A competent practice of Traffic management also in SDN-enabled optical packet switching intra-datacenter network
- A creative function of Response Time and Availability Study of RAFT Consensus also in Distributed SDN Control Plane method
- An imaginative process of Embedding Bandwidth-Guaranteed Network-Based Virtual Ethernet Switches also in SDN Networks
- A resourceful process of Dynamic SDN controllers-switches mapping intended for load balancing and also controller failure handling
- The new process of Enforcing Transport-Agnostic Congestion Control also in SDN-Based Data Centers method
- An effective function of Testing Black-Box SDN Applications also by Formal Behavior Models [Software-Defined-Networking Projects]
- A novel study of Deterministic Confidence also Interval Estimation of Networking Traffic in SDN scheme