Scopus Indexed Journals Easy to Publish

Scopus indexed journals that are easy to publish are listed here we will provide you for the most accurate and current information on Scopus indexing, impact factors, and submission guidelines so, consult with our experts to get top most research assistance.

  1. Computers & Security (Elsevier)
  2. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
  3. Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier)
  4. Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)
  5. IEEE Security & Privacy
  6. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
  7. International Journal of Information Security (Springer)
  8. IEEE Access
  9. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective
  10. Journal of Cybersecurity (Oxford University Press)
  11. Digital Investigation (Elsevier)
  12. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism
  13. Cybersecurity (Springer)
  14. Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier)
  15. Network Security (Elsevier)
  16. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier)
  17. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
  18. IET Information Security
  19. Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier)
  20. ACM Computing Surveys
  21. Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier)
  22. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques
  23. Information Sciences (Elsevier)
  24. Journal of Information Warfare
  25. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (Elsevier)

List of Scopus Indexed Journals

List of Scopus Indexed Journals Title along with Subjects details are mentioned below, we gurantee you 100% publication. The way we organize and present the writing and content in your paper will be clearer, making it easier for you to get the hassle-free service you need from us. Drop us your research details we will provide you best and high quality services. Journal Title ISSN Subjects
1. Biomimetics 23137673 Materials Science
2. Biopolymers 00063525 Materials Science
3. Biosurface and Biotribology 24054518 Materials Science
4. Biotribology 23525738 Materials Science
5. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 03663175 Materials Science
6. Boletin Intexter 11316756 Materials Science
7. Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin 0376723X Materials Science
8. Boxboard Containers International 10845291 Materials Science
9. Bragantia 00068705 Materials Science
10. British Ceramic Transactions 09679782 Materials Science
11. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 0232704X Mathematics
12. Annals of K-Theory 23791683 Mathematics
13. Annals of Mathematics 0003486X Mathematics
14. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 10122443 Mathematics
15. Annals of Mathematics Studies 00662313 Mathematics
16. Annals of PDE 25245317 Mathematics
17. Annals of Probability 00911798 Mathematics
18. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 01680072 Mathematics
19. Annals of Statistics 00905364 Mathematics
20. Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Series on Mathematics and its Applications 20665997 Mathematics
21. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 00016349 Medicine
22. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, Supplement 03008835 Medicine
23. Acta odontologica latinoamericana 03264815 Medicine
24. Acta Oncologica 0284186X Medicine
25. Acta Oncologica, Supplement 11001704 Medicine
26. Acta Ophthalmologica 1755375X Medicine
27. Acta Ophthalmologica 0001639X Medicine
28. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 13953907 Medicine
29. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica, Supplement 13953931 Medicine
30. Acta ophthalmologica. Supplement 00651451 Medicine
31. Cognitive Computation and Systems 25177567 Neuroscience
32. Cognitive Neurodynamics 18714080 Neuroscience
33. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 13546805 Neuroscience
34. Cognitive Neuropsychology 02643294 Neuroscience
35. Cognitive Neuroscience 17588928 Neuroscience
36. Cognitive Processing 16124782 Neuroscience
37. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 23657464 Neuroscience
38. Cognitive Science 03640213 Neuroscience
39. Cognitive Science and Technology 21953988 Neuroscience
40. Cognitive Systems Research 22144366 Neuroscience
41. Cultura de los Cuidados 11381728 Nursing
42. Curationis 03798577 Nursing
43. Current Developments in Nutrition 24752991 Nursing
44. Current Nutrition and Food Science 15734013 Nursing
45. Current Nutrition Reports 21613311 Nursing
46. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 13631950 Nursing
47. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity 1752296X Nursing
48. Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS 1746630X Nursing
49. Current Opinion in Lipidology 09579672 Nursing
50. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care 17514258 Nursing
51. Behavioural Pharmacology 09558810 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
52. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 23148535 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
53. Bioanalysis 17576180 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
54. Biochemical Pharmacology 00062952 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
55. Bioconjugate Chemistry 10431802 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
56. BioDrugs 11738804 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
57. Bioengineering and Translational Medicine 23806761 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
58. Biogenic Amines 01688561 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
59. BioImpacts 22285652 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
60. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 09186158 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
61. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 10003207 Physical Sciences
62. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 03234320 Physical Sciences
63. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca 26444690 Physical Sciences
64. Acta Hydrotechnica 03523551 Physical Sciences
65. Acta IMEKO 0237028X Physical Sciences
66. Acta Informatica 00015903 Physical Sciences
67. Acta Informatica Pragensia 18054951 Physical Sciences
68. Acta Innovations 23005599 Physical Sciences
69. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 01026712 Physical Sciences
70. Acta Logistica 13395629 Physical Sciences
71. Baozha Yu Chongji/Expolosion and Shock Waves 10011455 Physics and Astronomy
72. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 21904286 Physics and Astronomy
73. Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik 00058025 Physics and Astronomy
74. Biointerphases 15594106 Physics and Astronomy
75. Biomedical Optics Express 21567085 Physics and Astronomy
76. Biomicrofluidics 19321058 Physics and Astronomy
77. Biophysical Bulletin 20753810 Physics and Astronomy
78. Biophysik 00063517 Physics and Astronomy
79. Biosensors 0265928X Physics and Astronomy
80. Biosensors 20796374 Physics and Astronomy
81. Behavioral Interventions 10720847 Psychology
82. Behavioral Medicine 08964289 Psychology
83. Behavioral Sciences 2076328X Psychology
84. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 07353936 Psychology
85. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 19434472 Psychology
86. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 15402002 Psychology
87. Behaviormetrika 03857417 Psychology
88. Behaviour and Information Technology 0144929X Psychology
89. Behaviour Change 08134839 Psychology
90. Behaviour Research and Therapy 00057967 Psychology
91. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, Studia Geograficzne 0137107X Social Sciences
92. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales 03355322 Social Sciences
93. Action in Teacher Education 01626620 Social Sciences
94. Action Learning: Research and Practice 14767333 Social Sciences
95. Action Research 14767503 Social Sciences
96. Active Learning in Higher Education 14697874 Social Sciences
97. Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva 1337933X Social Sciences
98. Actual Problems of Economics 19936788 Social Sciences
99. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art 23122129 Social Sciences
100. Actualidad Juridica Iberoamericana 23864567 Social Sciences
101. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 03349152 Veterinary
102. Istanbul Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 02502836 Veterinary
103. ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria 16996887 Veterinary
104. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 00471917 Veterinary
105. Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 16615751 Veterinary
106. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research 23117710 Veterinary
107. Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research 20906269 Veterinary
108. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 16805593 Veterinary
109. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 09312668 Veterinary
110. Journal of Animal Health and Production 23082801 Veterinary
111. China Agricultural Economic Review 1756137X Economics, Econometrics and Finance
112. China and World Economy 16712234 Economics, Econometrics and Finance
113. China and WTO Review 23838221 Economics, Econometrics and Finance
114. China Biotechnology 16718135 Economics, Econometrics and Finance
115. China Business Review 01637169 Economics, Econometrics and Finance
116. Environmental Footprints and Eco-Design of Products and Processes 23457651 Energy
117. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 22104224 Energy
118. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy 19447442 Energy
119. Environmental Research Letters 17489326 Energy
120. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 13921649 Energy
121. ASEA Journal (Allmaenna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget) 00012459 Engineering
122. ASEAN Engineering Journal 25869159 Engineering
123. ASEAN Journal of Science and Engineering 27766098 Engineering
124. ASEE PRISM 10568077 Engineering
125. ASHRAE Journal 00012491 Engineering
126. Applied Geochemistry 08832927 Environmental Science
127. Applied Geography 01436228 Environmental Science
128. Applied Geomatics 18669298 Environmental Science
129. Applied In Vitro Toxicology 23321512 Environmental Science
130. Applied Soil Ecology 09291393 Environmental Science
131. Science Progress 00368504 General
132. Science, Engineering and Health Studies 26300087 General
133. Science, Technology and Society 09717218 General
134. ScienceAsia 15131874 General
135. Scientific African 24682276 General
136. Ergonomics 00140139 Health Professions
137. Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation 09428623 Health Professions
138. European Journal for Sport and Society 16138171 Health Professions
139. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity 18033857 Health Professions
140. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2385409X Health Professions
141. Acta Microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 00016187 Health Sciences
142. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 12178950 Health Sciences
143. Acta Microbiologica Hungarica 02314622 Health Sciences
144. Acta microbiologica Polonica. Series A: Microbiologia generalis 05677815 Health Sciences
145. Acta microbiologica Polonica. Series B: Microbiologia applicata 05677823 Health Sciences
146. Central-European Journal of Immunology 14263912 Immunology and Microbiology
147. Ceskoslovenska epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie 00090522 Immunology and Microbiology
148. Ceskoslovenská Mikrobiologie 0366662X Immunology and Microbiology
149. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology 1874558X Immunology and Microbiology
150. Chemical Immunology and Allergy 16602242 Immunology and Microbiology
151. Addiction Biology 13556215 Life Sciences
152. Addictive Behaviors 03064603 Life Sciences
153. Addictive Behaviors Reports 23528532 Life Sciences
154. Adipocyte 21623945 Life Sciences
155. Adipocytes 15502082 Life Sciences
156. Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series 00670049 Earth and Planetary Sciences
157. Astrophysics and Space Science 0004640X Earth and Planetary Sciences
158. Atlantic Geology 08435561 Earth and Planetary Sciences
159. Atmosfera 01876236 Earth and Planetary Sciences
160. Atmosphere 20734433 Earth and Planetary Sciences
161. Journal of Osseointegration 2036413X Dentistry
162. Journal of Pedodontics 01455508 Dentistry
163. Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science 20932278 Dentistry
164. Journal of Periodontal Research 00223484 Dentistry
165. Journal of Periodontology 00223492 Dentistry
166. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 15483657 Decision Sciences
167. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 17516048 Decision Sciences
168. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science 19478208 Decision Sciences
169. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 17438268 Decision Sciences
170. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 20404468 Decision Sciences
171. C R C Critical Reviews in Solid State Sciences 0011085X Chemistry
172. Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry 03645916 Chemistry
173. Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy 12056685 Chemistry
174. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 00084042 Chemistry
175. Cancer Nanotechnology 18686958 Chemistry
176. ChemCatChem 18673880 Chemical Engineering
177. ChemChemTech 05792991 Chemical Engineering
178. ChemElectroChem 21960216 Chemical Engineering
179. ChemEngineering 23057084 Chemical Engineering
180. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 03529568 Chemical Engineering
181. Decision Sciences 00117315 Business, Management and Accounting
182. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 15404595 Business, Management and Accounting
183. Decision Support Systems 01679236 Business, Management and Accounting
184. der markt 00253863 Business, Management and Accounting
185. DETUROPE 18212506 Business, Management and Accounting
186. Anatomical Record 19328486 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
187. Anatomische Hefte 01775154 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
188. Anatomy and Cell Biology 20933665 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
189. Anatomy and Embryology 03402061 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
190. Androgens 26894653 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
191. Amoenitas 23849460 Arts and Humanities
192. Ampersand 22150390 Arts and Humanities
193. Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology 13806068 Arts and Humanities
194. Amsterdamer Beitrage zur Neueren Germanistik 03046257 Arts and Humanities
195. Anadolu Arastirmalari 05699746 Arts and Humanities
196. American Fern Journal 00028444 Agricultural and Biological Sciences
197. American Fisheries Society Symposium 08922284 Agricultural and Biological Sciences
198. American Forests 00028541 Agricultural and Biological Sciences
199. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 15574989 Agricultural and Biological Sciences
200. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 00029092 Agricultural and Biological Sciences