Scopus Indexed Journals 2025 Fast Publication will be provided by us where we share current indexing status, impact factors, and submission guidelines to guide you. For the below listed journals we create your paper to fit the ideal journal’s scope and guidelines by sticking to the necessary protocols. You’ll receive a complete Journal Selection Report that includes practical suggestions for improving your manuscript from our team of researchers.
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- Wireless Networks (Springer)
- Computer Networks (Elsevier)
- Journal of Communications and Networks
- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley)
- Telecommunication Systems (Springer)
- IEEE Network
- International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley)
- Mobile Networks and Applications (Springer)
- Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier)
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Elsevier)
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier)
- Computer Communications (Elsevier)
- IEEE Access
- Sensors (MDPI)
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (Springer)
- Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications
- International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (Springer)
- Wireless Personal Communications (Springer)
- IET Communications
List of Scopus Indexed Journals 2025
List of Scopus Indexed Journals 2025 are shared below we will assist you in crafting the structure and content of your paper with a quick overview. Our specialists will take a look at your manuscript’s topic and research details, compare it to the target journal, and provide feedback and tips to boost its quality and chances of getting accepted.Contact us for more publication guidance. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Acta Neurologica Belgica | 03009009 | Medicine |
2. | Acta neurologica et psychiatrica Belgica | 00016284 | Medicine |
3. | Acta Neurologica Scandinavica | 00016314 | Medicine |
4. | Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplement | 00651427 | Medicine |
5. | Acta Neurologica Taiwanica | 1028768X | Medicine |
6. | Acta Neuropathologica | 00016322 | Medicine |
7. | Acta neuropathologica communications | 20515960 | Medicine |
8. | Acta Neuropsychiatrica | 09242708 | Medicine |
9. | Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica | 00016330 | Medicine |
10. | Acta Obstetrica y Ginecologica Hispano-Lusitana | 02109832 | Medicine |
11. | Clinical Optometry | 11792752 | Neuroscience |
12. | Clinical Parkinsonism and Related Disorders | 25901125 | Neuroscience |
13. | Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience | 17381088 | Neuroscience |
14. | Clocks and Sleep | 26245175 | Neuroscience |
15. | CNS and Neurological Disorders – Drug Targets | 18715273 | Neuroscience |
16. | CNS oncology | 20450915 | Neuroscience |
17. | Cognition | 00100277 | Neuroscience |
18. | Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology | 15433633 | Neuroscience |
19. | Cognitive Brain Research | 09266410 | Neuroscience |
20. | Cognitive Computation | 18669956 | Neuroscience |
21. | Contemporary Rehab | 10759298 | Nursing |
22. | Contemporary Urology | 10422250 | Nursing |
23. | Creative Nursing | 10784535 | Nursing |
24. | Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Treatment | 10645136 | Nursing |
25. | Critical Care Nurse | 02795442 | Nursing |
26. | Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America | 08995885 | Nursing |
27. | Critical Care Nursing Quarterly | 08879303 | Nursing |
28. | Critical Care Quarterly | 01602551 | Nursing |
29. | Critical Strategies: Psychotherapy in Managed Care | 15228924 | Nursing |
30. | CRNA: Clinical Forum for Nurse Anesthetists | 10482687 | Nursing |
31. | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 18180876 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
32. | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics | 09738398 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
33. | Assay and Drug Development Technologies | 1540658X | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
34. | ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals | 02611929 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
35. | Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy | 03106810 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
36. | Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology | 14748665 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
37. | Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine | 22287930 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
38. | Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and Pharmacotherapy Journal | 19941951 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
39. | Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology | 1991007X | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
40. | Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology | 17427835 | Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics |
41. | Acta Geologica Hungarica | 02365278 | Physical Sciences |
42. | Acta Geologica Polonica | 00015709 | Physical Sciences |
43. | Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) | 10009515 | Physical Sciences |
44. | Acta Geologica Slovaca | 13380044 | Physical Sciences |
45. | Acta Geophysica | 18956572 | Physical Sciences |
46. | Acta Geophysica Polonica | 00015725 | Physical Sciences |
47. | Acta Geophysica Sinica | 00015733 | Physical Sciences |
48. | Acta Geoscientica Sinica | 10063021 | Physical Sciences |
49. | Acta Geotechnica | 18611125 | Physical Sciences |
50. | Acta Geotechnica Slovenica | 18540171 | Physical Sciences |
51. | Atom Indonesia | 23565322 | Physics and Astronomy |
52. | Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | 0092640X | Physics and Astronomy |
53. | Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, AECL (Report) | 00670367 | Physics and Astronomy |
54. | Atoms | 22182004 | Physics and Astronomy |
55. | Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine | 01589938 | Physics and Astronomy |
56. | Australian Journal of Physics | 00049506 | Physics and Astronomy |
57. | AVS Quantum Science | 26390213 | Physics and Astronomy |
58. | Azimuth | 22824863 | Physics and Astronomy |
59. | Baghdad Science Journal | 20788665 | Physics and Astronomy |
60. | Baltic Astronomy | 13920049 | Physics and Astronomy |
61. | Basic and Applied Social Psychology | 01973533 | Psychology |
62. | Behavior Analyst | 07386729 | Psychology |
63. | Behavior and Philosophy | 10538348 | Psychology |
64. | Behavior Modification | 01454455 | Psychology |
65. | Behavior Research Methods | 1554351X | Psychology |
66. | Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers | 07433808 | Psychology |
67. | Behavior Therapy | 00057894 | Psychology |
68. | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 0140525X | Psychology |
69. | Behavioral Disorders | 01987429 | Psychology |
70. | Behavioral Healthcare Tomorrow | 10638490 | Psychology |
71. | Acta Turistica | 03534316 | Social Sciences |
72. | Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica | 03230619 | Social Sciences |
73. | Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia | 12134449 | Social Sciences |
74. | Acta Universitatis Carolinae Theologica | 18045588 | Social Sciences |
75. | Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica | 03005402 | Social Sciences |
76. | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica | 02086034 | Social Sciences |
77. | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica | 02086050 | Social Sciences |
78. | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica | 02086069 | Social Sciences |
79. | Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica | 15059065 | Social Sciences |
80. | Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica | 20675151 | Social Sciences |
81. | International Journal of Veterinary Science | 23043075 | Veterinary |
82. | International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine | 23144580 | Veterinary |
83. | Ippologia | 11205776 | Veterinary |
84. | Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 22518894 | Veterinary |
85. | Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research | 17281997 | Veterinary |
86. | Iranian Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology | 2008465X | Veterinary |
87. | Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery | 20083033 | Veterinary |
88. | Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 00750530 | Veterinary |
89. | Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences | 16073894 | Veterinary |
90. | Irish Veterinary Journal | 03680762 | Veterinary |
91. | Alpacas Australia | 13288318 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
92. | Alpine Botany | 16642201 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
93. | Alpine Entomology | 25350889 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
94. | Alytes | 07534973 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
95. | AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America | 00845841 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
96. | Amazoniana | 00656755 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
97. | Ameghiniana | 00027014 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
98. | American Bee Journal | 00027626 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
99. | American Biology Teacher | 00027685 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
100. | American Entomologist | 10462821 | Agricultural and Biological Sciences |
101. | American Quarterly | 00030678 | Arts and Humanities |
102. | American Scholar | 00030937 | Arts and Humanities |
103. | American Speech | 00031283 | Arts and Humanities |
104. | American Studies in Scandinavia | 00448060 | Arts and Humanities |
105. | American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series | 08904111 | Arts and Humanities |
106. | American, British and Canadian Studies | 18411487 | Arts and Humanities |
107. | Americania | 21740178 | Arts and Humanities |
108. | Americas | 00031615 | Arts and Humanities |
109. | Amerikastudien | 03402827 | Arts and Humanities |
110. | Amfiteater | 1855850X | Arts and Humanities |
111. | Analytica Chimica Acta: X | 25901346 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
112. | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 16182642 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
113. | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research | 2383093X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
114. | Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology and Histopathology | 2578742X | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
115. | Analytical Biochemistry | 00032697 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
116. | Analytical Cellular Pathology | 22107177 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
117. | Analytical Cellular Pathology | 09218912 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
118. | Analytical Chemistry Insights | 11773901 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
119. | Analytical Chemistry Research | 22141812 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
120. | Analytical Letters | 00032719 | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology |
121. | Cuadernos de Turismo | 11397861 | Business, Management and Accounting |
122. | Cultural Management: Science and Education | 25126962 | Business, Management and Accounting |
123. | Culture and Organization | 14759551 | Business, Management and Accounting |
124. | Current Issues in Auditing | 19361270 | Business, Management and Accounting |
125. | Current Issues in Tourism | 13683500 | Business, Management and Accounting |
126. | Customer Interactions Solutions | 15333078 | Business, Management and Accounting |
127. | Custos e Agronegocio | 18082882 | Business, Management and Accounting |
128. | Cutter business technology journal | 24753718 | Business, Management and Accounting |
129. | Data Base for Advances in Information Systems | 15320936 | Business, Management and Accounting |
130. | Data Science and Management | 26667649 | Business, Management and Accounting |
131. | Catalysts | 20734344 | Chemical Engineering |
132. | Catalytic Science Series | 17931398 | Chemical Engineering |
133. | Celuloza Si Hartie | 12209848 | Chemical Engineering |
134. | Ceramics – Silikaty | 08625468 | Chemical Engineering |
135. | Ceramics International | 02728842 | Chemical Engineering |
136. | CFD Letters | 21801363 | Chemical Engineering |
137. | Changjiang Kexueyuan Yuanbao/ Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute | 10015485 | Chemical Engineering |
138. | Chem | 24519308 | Chemical Engineering |
139. | CHEM. TECH. | 00092703 | Chemical Engineering |
140. | ChemBioEng Reviews | 21969744 | Chemical Engineering |
141. | Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assiut | 11100052 | Chemistry |
142. | Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Division of Chemical Science | 05685230 | Chemistry |
143. | Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia | 10113924 | Chemistry |
144. | Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan | 00092673 | Chemistry |
145. | Bulletin of the Karaganda University Chemistry Series | 2518718X | Chemistry |
146. | Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society | 02532964 | Chemistry |
147. | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Chemistry | 02397285 | Chemistry |
148. | Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society | 00905054 | Chemistry |
149. | Bunseki Kagaku | 05251931 | Chemistry |
150. | C R C Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry | 00078980 | Chemistry |
151. | International Journal of Information Management | 02684012 | Decision Sciences |
152. | International Journal of Information Management Data Insights | 26670968 | Decision Sciences |
153. | International Journal of Information Processing and Management | 20934009 | Decision Sciences |
154. | International Journal of Information Science and Management | 20088302 | Decision Sciences |
155. | International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management | 14793121 | Decision Sciences |
156. | International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management | 21827796 | Decision Sciences |
157. | International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector | 19355688 | Decision Sciences |
158. | International Journal of Information Technology Project Management | 19380232 | Decision Sciences |
159. | International Journal of Innovation Studies | 20962487 | Decision Sciences |
160. | International Journal of Intelligence, Security, and Public Affairs | 23800992 | Decision Sciences |
161. | Journal of Oral Pathology | 03009777 | Dentistry |
162. | Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine | 09042512 | Dentistry |
163. | Journal of Oral Rehabilitation | 0305182X | Dentistry |
164. | Journal of Oral Research | 07192479 | Dentistry |
165. | Journal of Oral Science | 13434934 | Dentistry |
166. | Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics | 14345293 | Dentistry |
167. | Journal of Orofacial Pain | 10646655 | Dentistry |
168. | Journal of Orofacial Sciences | 09758844 | Dentistry |
169. | Journal of Orthodontic Science | 22781897 | Dentistry |
170. | Journal of Orthodontics | 14653125 | Dentistry |
171. | Astronomical Journal | 00046256 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
172. | Astronomische Nachrichten | 00046337 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
173. | Astronomy and Astrophysics | 00046361 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
174. | Astronomy and Astrophysics Review | 09354956 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
175. | Astronomy and Computing | 22131337 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
176. | Astronomy and Geophysics | 13668781 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
177. | Astronomy Letters | 10637737 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
178. | Astronomy Reports | 10637729 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
179. | Astrophysical Journal | 0004637X | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
180. | Astrophysical Journal Letters | 20418205 | Earth and Planetary Sciences |
181. | Capital Markets Law Journal | 17507219 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
182. | Capitalism and Society | 21946140 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
183. | Carbon Neutrality | 27888614 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
184. | Cato Journal | 02733072 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
185. | Central Bank Review | 13030701 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
186. | Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics | 20800886 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
187. | CEPAL Review | 02512920 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
188. | CESifo DICE Report | 16120663 | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
189. | CESifo Economic Studies | 1610241X | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
190. | CESifo Forum | 1615245X | Economics, Econometrics and Finance |
191. | Energy, Ecology and Environment | 23637692 | Energy |
192. | Energy, Environment, and Sustainability | 25228366 | Energy |
193. | Energy, Sustainability and Society | 21920567 | Energy |
194. | EnergyChem | 25897780 | Energy |
195. | Engineered Science | 2576988X | Energy |
196. | Engineering | 20958099 | Energy |
197. | Engineering Journal of University of Qatar | Energy | |
198. | Environment | 00139157 | Energy |
199. | Environmental and Climate Technologies | 16915208 | Energy |
200. | Environmental Economics | 19986041 | Energy |